Sounds Roading Network

I have an idea to build increased resilience into the Sounds roading network. I specifically talk about the Port Underwood Road and Tumbledown Bay roads as I have much knowledge of these two. I believe a lot of the big slips on these roads are caused by large wilding pine trees. They grow much bigger than the local native trees, and have different root systems to the smaller natives. The area is very steep, and a combination of shist/clay soils and the shear load of big pine trees on these steep slopes means that many have come down during wet and windy storms. When they come down they bring a massive amount of the hillside with them, creating road closures and expensive clearance work. There are many examples of this occurrence, a perfect example being located in Tom Canes Bay adjacent to our property at 1850 Port Underwood Road. My suggestion is to fell and remove these standing trees from the road reserve to prevent more expensive slips. I also believe Council needs to insist their roading contractors do their job properly and clear the under road drains and water tables more regularly than they have been doing in the past. We often clear a blocked one close to our property to ease excess water ending up on properties down hill from our section.

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by EnteredOnBehalfOfCustomer on November 25, 2024 at 09:23AM

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