Two points to be addressed
High Rate Burden
The rates being levied on ratepayers is increasing at a far higher rate than the consumer price index. With insurance and maintenance costs also rising faster than inflation adjusted pensions, the end result for many rate payers is clear – an inability to pay all of these costs and the need to chose which one they will neglect. A housing stock of deteriorating buildings is no asset to any community, particularly one where the older demographic makes up such a high proportion of the population. These older people may be in no state to carry out maintenance themselves and are at a higher risk of injury if they do.
A housing stock of uninsured buildings in a hazard prone area such as Marlborough (earthquake, wildfire and extreme storm events) is a potential nightmare for the population and the local authority.
Itemised Rate Demands
With specific rates derived from road repairs in particular areas being levied on properties it seems quite reasonable that every item is clearly identified to each rate payer. A bill from a garage for several thousand dollars, for example, would be expected to have every item accounted for.
It is clear that the MDC computer system has all of this detail and it could be printed out and included with every rate demand at virtually no additional expense. Could this please happen?
Why the contribution is important
by EnteredOnBehalfOfCustomer on January 20, 2025 at 03:27PM
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