Protect Puna Wai Natural Fresh Water Spring Victoria Domain

This fresh water spring has been used for natural drinking, baptism and watering of nearby market gardens. It flows into Waipuna Stream which starts from end of Rānui Street to Waikawa Bay. It has significance cultural and history for whānau living nearby, iwi and wider comunity from early 1900's. It is a spring of fresh water that has been undisturbed for several generations, therefore needs protection status. Any clearing of nearby trees must be carried out to prevent any physical damage to this water spring. This spring has a same site of importance like the spring found by Ropoama Te One and so therefore requires a plaque and registration of protection status. Any consultation can be made to my whānau and my iwi, Te Ātiawa. 

Why the contribution is important

Historical and cultural significance to community of Waikawa and Waitohi. 

by Philip on January 17, 2025 at 02:48PM

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