Planting of more Fruit trees in Parks & Pathways to schools
My idea is calling for the MDC to see more fruit trees being planted in Council parks and pathways to schools as a key priority.
Focusing on areas of higher socioeconomic deprivation & walkaways/pathways to schools, displaying seasonal guides on what is available and bring together community in being part of this project.
Why the contribution is important
The idea is super important, at a time when cost of Fruit & vegetables is exorbitant and unaccessible to many, our community faces food insecurity issues with rising demand seen by community services, schools & huge increase in demand for food parcels at our foodbanks.
We know the land here can grow food so well, and yet we face issues of the land not providing nourishment for the people that walk upon it.
The 250 parks & open spaces provide perfect opportunities to grow fruit & nuts on their edges that can nourish the people, awesome to connect families & newcomers to the area through foraging & food preparation & for schools, whanau & community groups to forage and make meals, learn to cook, learn to preserve food, dehydration of fruit etc.
by reubenmolnar1991 on January 09, 2025 at 02:51PM
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