Plant a minimum 10% of Marlborough towns in trees

Require a minimum 10% tree cover in Marlborough towns. Require urban developments to include tree planting and maintenance. Prioritise planting and protection of inter-connecting corridors of native species, both continuous and stepping stones. Align flood protection and biodiversity enhancement, eg. Carex secta stabilises banks, provides shade and creates habitat for freshwater species. Educate people about benefits of trees and require reparation when trees on public land are damaged or removed without approval. 

Why the contribution is important

The protection and planting of trees helps reduce impacts of climate change by cooling the air, providing shade,sequestering carbon and protecting soils.Trees produce oxygen, store and soak up carbon and carbon dioxide, clean the air, reduce urban and rural runoff, protect from flooding, provide shade and cooling, provide a habitat for birds, insects and lizards, are good for mental health and wellbeing 

by ForestandBirdMarlb on December 15, 2024 at 10:10PM

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