Pest plant control in Reserves

Old man's beard, banana passion vine and Japanese Honey suckle in particular are smothering and killing native bush across the region. Also tradescantia and other garden escapees are starting to take over large areas of bush in places - especially where people illegally dump waste over the sides of the road, such as along the edge of the Queen Charlotte Drive. I would like to see money and effort allocated to efforts to control these somewhat. We could start in areas closer to urban places where we dwell and then move out to more remote areas as funding allows. For example, large areas in the Victoria Domain out on the Snout are currently being smothered - could tackle that? 

Why the contribution is important

Death of bush results when uncontrolled. Loss of native habitat as well as the value the forest and popular trails such as the Snout hold in terms of their asthetics. 

by JanWorrall on January 18, 2025 at 11:01AM

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