Paint out the blue and make it new!
Paint Picton and Blenheim's tired old blue lamp posts and chattels / fencing with a smart lick of black gloss paint. Various groups have been asking for this in Picton since 2008 and year after year we get told new lamp posts and chattels will be fitted next year or in a couple of years but it never happens. Let's be a region that up-cycles with a lick of paint if we can't afford to replace, rather than a region that lets our town centres fall into disrepair!
Let's make Marlborough's CBD's look smart again and encourage new businesses to open up in vibrant centres rather than more and more empty shops that end up being fast food outlets, second hand shops and vape shops.
After all retail employs 3500+ people in Marlborough and it supplies valuable jobs to locals, especially school leavers who learn customer service, work routines and skills before they move on to other jobs and careers.
Yes internationally high street retail has been slowed by online retail offerings but guess what, local authorities who opt out of supporting CBD's allowing them to look shabby and closed up are doing more damage to brick and mortar retail than the internet. Many towns across the planet are thriving with good town management, creative ideas and good old fashioned care.
As Amy Winehouse said - Paint it Black!
Come on MDC, let's breath life into our town centres!
Why the contribution is important
We need to boost Marlborough's economy! Happy communities equal happy regions!
by brigsie on January 19, 2025 at 05:53PM
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