Mclauchlan and Nelson St easier right turns.

Mclauchlan Street and Nelson Street interersection is a busy and gridlocked area during school pick up in the afternoons. 

It serves both Bohaly Intermediate and Marlborough Girls' College, and traffic outflow from Mclauchlan Street, turning right (southbound) onto Nelson Street is difficult and dangerous. 


Create a roundabout. There appears to be not enough space for this as all sides have non-council land, and it would need to be large enough to aid the many HGV's and Trucks navigating towards Nelson. 

Create a traffic light intersection. This would be more space efficient and would improve the outflow right turn lane of McLauchlan Street. Although Blenheim is known for its round abouts; this is one intersection where it may not be viable, and certainly causes driver frustration which may lead to riskier decision making from drivers. Of note, the pedestrian refuge island on Nelson Street would also benefit from this upgrade by becoming a light controlled compulsary pedestrian crossing, reducing the risk to our school aged children. 

Thank you for taking the time to read my suggestion. 


Why the contribution is important

This will benefit road user experience in Blenheim, and improve pedestrian and vehicle safety.

by HaydenF22 on January 12, 2025 at 10:09AM

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