Local Roadman - Sounds
A local Roadman ... like there used to be, would be good in the Sounds.
Saw a Heading “Okiwi Bay Foreshore” ... have no idea what this is all about, but needs to stay natural as nature intended. No seats or picnic tables or furniture and no planting Agapanthas.. (should be banned in Sounds). Remember Queen Charlotte Road in the late 40’s/50’s? it was beautiful ...gone long ago! Okiwi bush and drive in, is like Queen Charlotte once was, and we want to preserve this scenic drive.
Stop spending money (might be government (our) money), on small communities such as Okiwi Bay ... the projects are all over priced and a waste of money. It is a village where people come for fishing, rest and relaxation and if people/tourists want all the fancy trimmings/facilities that towns/cities have, they can stay there!
Good to have control on domestic cats and also feral cats.
The need for councils’ to budget very wisely and keep within that budget ... just do what needs to be done - no fancy stuff.
Why the contribution is important
by EnteredOnBehalfOfCustomer on January 20, 2025 at 08:53AM
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