Litter reduction
Marlborough's litter issue like many regions in New Zealand is growing year on year. Marlborough Roads declare they do not have the budget or resources to keep on top of it, so who will?
I suggest the MDC work with Marlborough Roads / Waka Kotahi to develop a 5 year plan, to lower the regions litter levels by 75% by 2030.
I suggest the first thing to do is to erect road signage that engages with road users, asking them to join in, in keeping Marlborough free of litter, by taking their litter home or to the nearest rubbish bin.
I also suggest that supermarkets, petrol stations and takeaway outlets supply free of charge paper or recyclable car rubbish bags with the words Car Litter printed on them, to their customers (paid for by rate contribution and business's supplying food and packaging to take away).
When we look at the sudden increase of litter being ejected from cars, there is without doubt a direct correlation to the demise of plastic shopping bags, that were once handy rubbish bags in cars.
Why the contribution is important
There is far too much litter in Marlborough. It hurts our brand, our businesses and our environment.
by brigsie on January 08, 2025 at 02:35PM
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