
That the Coumcil urgently needs to address the problem of disposing of Greenwaste in the Rai Valley to French Pass region.

With a recent Resource Consent renewal application declined in Duncan Bay and the current application for renewal by Okiwi Bay, (whose Consent has now expired), presently under consideration, the only options available to residents for disposal is to transport Greenwaste to either Blenheim or Richmond which is a huge cost burden.

Coumcil needs to investigate increasing the site size of the transfer station at Rai Valley to accomodate greenwaste needs.

Why the contribution is important

The cost to the ratepayers and the environment to transport copious amounts of greenwaste out of the area is considerable.

Since the closure of the Duncan Bay greenwaste burning facility some residents have spent collectively over $25,000 purchasing their own wood chippers.  Now the community of a once peaceful environment have to listen to the annoying noise of  loud machinery consistently throughout the year.  Weekends are continually interrupted with noise and or smoke. Residents are legally permitted to burn greenwaste on their own property most of the year instead of this being done in a controlled manner on approximately a six week cycle basis as was the case when the burn facility Resource Consent was in place.

The Sounds areas are green for a reason - rainfall - and growth needs controlling around settlements for fire risk.  Residents are no longer clearing roadside verges as it is a cost to them to dispose of Council waste.


by DBHilton on January 20, 2025 at 01:19PM

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