Goat Culls on land adjacent to built up areas

Mobs of goats can be seen grazing on the hills above Picton and Waikawa. There is clear evidence that they are destroying the undergrowth. Numerous slips can be seen. 

To protect our communities, the strategic and humane culling of goats (and other ungulates) is now necessary. 

Marlborough District Council owns much of the public land around Picton and Waikawa.

We need to ensure the annual plan allows for on-going culls on MDC land adjacent to built-up areas.

Why the contribution is important

The number of ungulates (i.e. goats, pigs and deer) around the Marlborough Sounds is growing exponentially.

Goats feed on a wide variety of plants and prevent the forest from regenerating. Without plants to anchor the soil, erosion becomes a serious issue, leading to landslides.

Due to the large scale, control of ungulates will be an on-going problem in Marlborough. 

Land owners need to accept responsibility to reduce ungulates and save the forests.

Adjacent land owners benefit too and should expect to contribute to the cost.

To do nothing means that the forest will collapse and the steep hillsides will erode. This will cause  destruction of homes and our roads. Signs of this are already evident.

by Goatcurry on December 11, 2024 at 03:07PM

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