Free parking for rate payers
Rather than complain about the cost of rates, how about we instead look to add unique local value to our ratepayers? All over town we are bombarded with frustrating parking machines, with limited of 2-hrs on quiet days making an extended lunch end with a frustrating parking ticket. What about when you pop into a shop and then choose to duck into a resturant for a quick bite to eat and finding you have gone over your time with a lovely extra bill to pay for supporting local businesses.
The proposal is simple, supply two (2) stickers to each ratepayer at the start of the rateable year. These stickers are to be placed in the front window next to rego/rucs and provides 'free' parking to rate payers. E.g. 2025/26 displayed, inside has the date "valid to 30/06/2026" for this next year.
This will still have those out of town paying for parking and any non-rate payer locals. This would ensure that parks are not abused and still flow.
Businesses would be in their best interests to create parking policies for workers that they do not use street parking for work. Individuals abusing would need a fair use policy that could be enforced should some abuse the opportunity but as this could even go for a year and then end if not a success, with little financial impact to council, may be a win with the locals and support physical shopping in a society that has been moving to online or mega retailers, destroying the culture and vibrant town life most remember.
Any lost stickers would likely result in having to pay for parking until the next year, though policy (proof required) could allow for reissue with disposed or stolen vehicle too
Why the contribution is important
It would support local rate payers directly
It would remove a frustration that plagues many local residents.
It would allow rate payers to "pass on" the stickers to others on their choice. As most would not, should not overwhelm the region with free parkers.
It would reduce time in verifying parking allowing wardens to cover more area. (A simple dated/colour coded sticker for the year can be quickly passed.)
Low cost easily enabled and unique for Marlborough.
by tyleriam on January 07, 2025 at 04:29PM
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