Creation and implementation of a Picton Town Centre Strategic Plan

This Picton Business Group submission is one of four regarding the presentation and economic wellbeing of Picton, for the benefit of residents, businesses, and visitor experience, as well as flow-on benefit to the wider Marlborough community.

The key submissions this year relate to a long-term strategic plan for Picton, better presentation of the town and specific promised projects not yet completed.

Picton Business Group (PBG) hereby request that the Marlborough District Council create and implement, a “Town Centre Strategic Plan” for Picton.

We (PBG) request that the Marlborough District Council initiate work on the creation of the strategy within the next 6 months, in part using various prior studies, commissioned by the MDC including the Growing Marlborough Urbanism Plus consultation work and subsequent strategies (2010) and the Picton Redevelopment Planning work / consultation of 2021.

Now in 2025 with Blenheim’s Growing Marlborough Strategy fully formed and accomplished over the last 14 years and our region’s economic growth (GDP) exhibiting quarterly decline in 2024, we (PBG) respectfully suggest that to not focus on and enhance assets such as Picton, to bring increased economic vitality into Marlborough, would be short sighted, in terms of Marlborough’s future economic vitality.

At PBG we understand the current financial situation and we are realistic about what can happen in the short term, but we strongly believe that now is the time to initiate strategy work for Picton town centre. We (PBG) would be happy to work with the council via the continuation of our working partnership and are more than keen to discuss this matter further at the council’s earliest convenience. 


Reference: Marlborough District Council Growing Marlborough Documents

  1. Blenheim - Town Centre Report, A Vision for the Future Strategy – Growing Marlborough
  2. 4.1 Picton - Improve the vitality of the town centre strategy, part 2 – Growing Marlborough
  3. 4.1 A Vision for Picton – Growing Marlborough 2010
  4. Picton Redevelopment Consultation & Plan 2021

Why the contribution is important

We (PBG) believe that growth for Picton and its respective businesses must be managed and planned for, with an agreed vision using a strategy. A strategy that will not only benefit Picton but will also feed into and help deliver the Destination Marlborough Destination Management Plan, the Te Tauihu Intergenerational Strategy and increased economic wellbeing for Marlborough.



Submission 4

by PictonBG on January 20, 2025 at 09:48AM

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