Clued Up Kids

This submission formally requests $5,000 in funding from the Marlborough District Council to cover the annual bus transport costs for the Marlborough Clued-Up Kids event. We are seeking a total commitment of $15,000 over three years, with $5,000 allocated for each year of the event.

Marlborough Clued-up Kids is a collaborative event that the Marlborough Childhood Safety Group established in Marlborough in 2006. 

The programme consists of role plays (known as sets) arranged as an interactive course organised and delivered by specific community safety agencies. At each set, participants are presented with a number of tasks and problems and assessed on their responses.

We invite all year five and six students in Marlborough to attend clued-up kids. We have a two-year cycle, allowing all Marlborough schools to participate. In 2024, 13 schools with 452 students registered to attend the event. There is no costs for the schools to participate in this event. 

The Clued-up Kids safety set agencies include Civil Defence, Harbours, KiwiRail, Maataa Waka, Fire and Emergency New Zealand, REAP, Police, Wellbeing (funded by RedCross), and St John. The Brayshaw Park Committee, Riverside Rail, Vintage Car Club, and Vintage Farm Machinery groups supported the event by generously allowing the agencies to use their buildings and space throughout the week.  

At the end of 2024 we received positive feedback from some of the teachers that attended the event. One teacher said that “it (clued-up kids) was a brilliant day full of useful information.” When asked what worked well with the programme another teacher said, “your amazing organisation. The length of the sessions is just right. The key phrases you get the kids to repeat back.” 

Since 2006, we have provided buses to transport the students to and from the event. We would like to continue to do so in the coming years, allowing all year 5 and 6 students across Marlborough to go to the event. 

Recommendations to Council:

1.      Approve funding to support community safety education: We recommended that the Council approve funding to continue the Marlborough Clued-Up Kids event, which provides Year 5 and 6 students with hands-on safety education through expert-led interactive role-playing scenarios.

2.      Ensure accessibility for all students: Given Marlborough’s geographically diverse region, it is recommended that the Council approve the allocation of $5,000 per year for the next three years to fund transportation, ensuring all students—both from urban centres and remote areas—can attend the event.

3.      Support the community-driven initiative: It is recommended that the Council recognise and support the programme’s success, which relies on the valuable contributions of local organisations and agencies, including the Brayshaw Park Committee, Riverside Rail, and Vintage Car Club, who provide facilities and resources to help make the event possible.

4.      Recognise the long-term impact and sustainability: We recommended that the Council approve funding to sustain a long-term, impactful programme that enhances safety education, strengthens community resilience, and prepares Marlborough's future leaders for emergency situations.

5.      Invest in the safety and development of Marlborough’s youth: The social value, in terms of safer communities, better-prepared young people, and stronger community networks, provides a high return on investment on the $15,000 investment over three years.

We recommended that the Council approve this funding request as the programme delivers significant, long-term benefits to the Marlborough community, strengthening safety, community ties, and preparedness for the future.

Why the contribution is important

This is important to provide critical learning about safety to the young people of Marlborough and ensure accessibility for all students including those from rural parts of our region. 

by SelenaMike on January 15, 2025 at 11:25AM

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