CBD betterment

- mini Margaret Mahy type playground in Blenheim CBD, utilise one of the many vacant lots or carparks, make Blenheim CBD more attractive (build on the excellent library facility) for young families (I would love to see MDC come out with a long term vision to make Marlborough and Blenheim the best region and town respectively in New Zealand to live for young families - something aspirational - what is the vision/strategy for Marlborough and Blenheim?). Pulling families into town CBD will help CBD businesses.
- incorporate water play into the playground/park, similar to Picton foreshore. That sort of thing is sorely lacking on hot days in Blenheim. 
- drinking fountain along Taylor River, nothing between the dam and town centre for runners/cyclists needing a drink (nor toilets).

- reduce speed limit on purely residential streets to 30kph, if people want to drive faster stick to main arterial and feeder roads.

- consider one way street network around CBD (beaver road, George st type area, half of the road could then be allocated to dedicated bike lane with one way vehicle traffic in the other lane) 

- develop large stand of native bush in area where the two streams merge by southern end of Purkiss Street

- MDC to purchase strategic development land to stop it falling into hands of players that will not beautify or better CBD area. Great example being the old BOC gas site on Park Terrave purchased by a petrol company to develop presumably an unmanned petrol station (no jobs for locals and terrible use of prime river frontage real estate). 


Why the contribution is important

Improving Blenheim CBD - more attractive for young families and visitors to Blenheim, more activity in town centre, better for business, no long term vision or strategy for what Blenheim could be and one is probably needed - Westwood means less people in town, which will massively impact utilisation of CBD area and visitors to CBD businesses, what's the plan? Let CBD run down further?

by SDub on January 17, 2025 at 07:26AM

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