Cat management to reduce feral cats
That MDC should enact a by-law to require all domestic cats be chipped, neutered and registered in order for groups to target feral cats without the public fearing that any cat control by conservation groups will harm a domestic cat.
Why the contribution is important
I have worked as a volunteer with several conservation groups across the country for 20 years. In that time I have heard every group say that their biggest issue, as far as protecting our wildlife, is Feral cats.
The use of trail cameras in the bush are a source of information as to the number of feral cats around in our environment, and there are many.
Doing predator control in rural areas near residences is an issue for volunteers, making sure there is no unwanted by-catch. Without being able to check if a cat is feral or not we cannot adequately target the top predator on the predator list.
MDC has been a useful source of funding for local groups. These funds would be better used if we can target the feral cats effectively and prevent public outcry as we can ensure their moggies are safe.
A robust cat management by-law would be another way MDC could support conservation efforts.
by Draganz on January 12, 2025 at 03:32PM
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