A.13 Shade and Shelter from wind
As per 10 Year Implementation Workflow Plan:
- An appropriate landscape plan for whole park
- Trees and appropriate landscaping to be done which incoporates shade for spectators. Trees to be planted in the paving area (see A.9)
A permanent structure like an octagon gazebo in the middle area (paved as A.9) for BBQ - similar to that of Saxton Fields (Nelson Softball)
Why the contribution is important
Softball is a summer sport and we understand the grounds are of multi use, however on a sunny 30+ degree Marlborough day it is essential that there be shelter available for both players and spectators. It needs to be able to stand up to the strong winds that blow from all directions. Tents and umbrellas have no show!
A permanent gazebo gives relief for BBQ area (fundraisers) and spectators to get out of the wind/sun between the two main fenced (A.3) diamonds.
by marlboroughsoftball on December 16, 2024 at 04:27PM
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